Thoughts While Shaving
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Sometimes I feel like we are losing our way as a nation … Not speaking politically, but everything is so political … Whatever was approved by the previous leadership team needs to be undone and re-done … didn’t just begin with the current administration, but the current leadership team is attempting to do the same as the previous … Tear down and rebuild…

And, our medical situation has become so political … at least over the current and the previous administrations … Keep hearing some say the COVID-19 vaccine has something in it that will allow the government to track individuals … We are well past that, if you have a cell phone tracking is nothing new…

Afghanistan is a mess, our health is going to pot … vaccinations are political … Dang if I understand … We are stressing out as a nation … Just thinking out loud … and my opinion…

Maybe we begin to look for a leader … regardless of political affiliation … a leader, an experienced business type leader, both parties … 55 to 65 years of age who doesn’t give a ‘hoot’ about getting re-elected, better yet, limit to one 4, maybe 6 year term … Serve one term and go home … (Trust me, that will not happen … politics gets in the system, and is addictive)

I’m in the camp where there is no leader … Unaffiliated … Maybe we are looking for a Moses to lead us to a ‘promise land.’

Oh, I’m OK … A BC or a Goodie powder and a soft drink will cure my issues … I think…

“I want to be all used up when I die” George Bernard Shaw

“Let him who would move the world, move himself.” Socrates

“Smile, breathe and go slowly.” Thich Nhat Hanh

robert g hester

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