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I have learned a few things in my lifetime….ex. nothing travels faster than gossip….

A person of one political persuasion believes just about every thing that agrees with their preconceived notions, ideas and beliefs….truth or not….and they continue to go back to those same sources for more “fodder’….

When I receive a far–out accusation on any political figure…I attempt to verify…..and with computers, it is not hard to secure more info than one needs….not sure if it is accurate…

There was only one who walked the earth that was perfect, despite what some would have us believe….Just about everyone I know has something in their past they would prefer the public did not know….about themselves…some less than others….some much less….some really good folks…and then there are the rest of us….

I decided to google “Fast Facts, North Carolina”….I will share…totally unrelated but something to think about that verifies my original thought….

Under North Carolina Facts and Trivia…..#50 and I quote…..”White Lake near Elizabethtown is very unique in that it has a sandy bottom and is blessed with crystal clear water. It has also been labeled as the ‘Nation’s Safest Beach.’ It is truly a child’s paradise in that there are no currents, no tides, no hazardous depressions or real dangers of any kind to swimmers.”

Sorry folks…..far out…

A reminder of events in our area today….including the White Oak High School reunion….see others on our Events page….

Bend the facts to fit the conclusion. it’s easier that way.

We’re sorry, the number you have dialed is imaginary. Please rotate your telephone ninety degrees and try again.

And finally…”Never try to reason with a pig, it’s a waste of time and it annoys the pig.” Mark Twain

robert g hester

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