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By Cara Beth Lewis 

In July, Bladen Online conducted interviews with Mattie McLaurin, nurse and parent, and Wayne Schaeffer, Chairman for the Bladen County Republican Party, in order to find out the opinions of Bladen County Citizens regarding the hot topic of Critical Race Theory. In August, a third interview took place with Pastor Corey Lyons. Lyons is the Pastor of First Missionary Baptist Church, and President of the local chapter of the NAACP.

For this project, our goal is to showcase diverse and unique opinions on the topic of Critical Race Theory, and help educate and inform the community by doing so. The interviewees each  have differing opinions, unique ideas, and varying important roles in Bladen County. They were each asked a series of questions. Some were the same questions, and some were more relevant to the individual.

To read the previous article about the interviews with Mattie McLaurin and Wayne Schaeffer, click here: Bladen County Citizens’ Opinions of Critical Race Theory 

When asked his opinion about the transition in NC’s educational framework from one of equality to one of equity, Lyons stated, “I would describe these ideas as being much needed because it helps us to broaden how we see individuals around us. For some people, it helps us to be more accepting of others.”

When asked if equity is fair, Lyons took a few moments to process his response. He answered, “In layman’s terms, equity IS fair… But it depends on those who are in charge.” In comparison to Lyons’ response, both Schaeffer and McLaurin quickly answered “No” to the question. McLaurin inquired, “Why can’t it be based on what they do, not their gender or race?”

In Lyons’s words, “The Critical Race Theory was created in order to study how rules, policies, and procedures were created based on race.”

Additionally, he believes that it should not be a democrat versus republican ideology. He then stated, “I am a firm believer that we can never understand how we got to where we are without first understanding where we came from.”

While there were many disagreements among the interviews, you may find that some ideas are similar. To hear the interviewees’ responses in detail, view the interview videos below, as well as the previous article.

Community Member’s Opinion on CRT  : Corey Lyons

Bladen County Citizens’ Opinions of CRT  : Mattie McLaurin and Wayne Schaeffer


Following the Video-Interview with Pastor Lyons:


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