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By Cara Beth Lewis 

Farmers Day is celebrated annually on the 12th day of October. It is a day to appreciate the people who work one of the oldest and most important jobs in the world. The date October 12th was chosen because it lands at the end of the traditional harvesting period.

Here are some fun farm facts:

1.  The United States has 2.1 million farms.  The average farm size in the United States is 435 acres.

2.  The United States has 914 million acres of land in farms.

3.  The United States has the most arable land in the world followed by India, China, Russia & Brazil.

4.  Texas has the most farms in the United States followed by Missouri and Iowa.  Texas has more farms than Missouri and Iowa combined.

5.  Thirty nine states have more than 11,000 farms.

6.  Wyoming has the largest farms in the United States followed by Montana & New Mexico.  Wyoming and Montana are the only two states in the United States with average farm sizes over 2,000 acres.

7.  The United States farm real estate value averaged $2,950 per acre for 2014.

Agriculture is one of the world’s oldest professions — probably because it is necessary for survival! Without agriculture, we would not have so many of the daily necessities that we rely on to live. Additionally, farmers are one of the biggest contributors to the economy.

Check out these ideas of how to celebrate National Farmers Day from nationaltoday.com:

  1. Thank a farmer

  • They’re the backbone of the breadbasket and what feeds not just this country, but many other nations, as agriculture is usually a major export. Make sure you thank a farmer today for all of  their hard work keeping food on tables everywhere!

  1. Buy from a local farmer

  • One of the best ways to thank a farmer is with your wallet. Head to a farmer’s market or join a local CSA (community supported agriculture) to get some fresh, local produce, eggs, or even grass-fed meat.

  1. Start a garden

  • Growing your own food is one of the most sustainable and rewarding ways to celebrate National Farmers Day.

Bladen County is home to many great farmers who make huge contributions to our community. Be sure to show your appreciation to a local farmer on National Farmers Day!

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