Spread the love

By Cara Beth Lewis 

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop

World Kindness Week is held during the week of World Kindness Day, which is on November 13th each year. Kindness is key in the world that we live in, and there are so many benefits to being kind.

These benefits include:

  • Elevation of dopamine levels in the brain, which makes us feel good.

  • The feeling of emotional warmth, which leads to a healthier heart.

  • Reduction in inflammation, which can slow the aging process.

  • Reduction of emotional distance, which helps couples feel more bonded.

  • Contagiousness that often sets off a pay-it-forward ripple effect.

Being kind can make a huge impact on those around you, and yourself. You never know what another person is going through, so kindness is always key.

The World Kindness Movement launched World Kindness Day in 1988. Today, there are 28 nations involved in this movement that started as just one day, and has evolved into a full week of celebrating and promoting kindness.

Here are some ways to celebrate World Kindness Week from National Day Calendar:

  • Write notes of kindness on small pieces of paper and stick them in random library books.

  • Hand out notes of encouragement wherever you go, including the grocery store, coffee shop, etc.

  • Offer to do an errand for someone, like walking their dog or helping them with groceries.

  • Cook dinner for a friend and bring it to their home.

  • Give notes of appreciation to family members, coworkers, and service providers.

  • Pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant.

  • Pay for the coffee or meal of the person behind you at the drive-thru.

  • Give someone, or several people, a hug.

  • Encourage others to be kind.

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