Thoughts While Shaving
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Congratulations to Patty Evers, East Bladen ladies basketball coach … one of many titles … Patty was recently announced as the female winner of the Wooden Legacy Award for the state of North Carolina … Her list of accomplishments are lengthy … include 26 years of coaching girls basketball at Tar Heel and East Bladen … over 540 wins, 13 conference championships, just to mention a few … Reggie Peace of Lee County was the winner in the men’s category…

48 degrees at 5 a.m. Sunny skies today in Bladen with a high near 73 and windy, gusts as high as 18 mph. Clear tonight with a low around 48. Friday, sunny, with a high near 76 … Saturday about the same … sunny with a high near 74.

My guess is my neighbors and I would like to make the leaves from the big oak tree in our yard go away … If I get them up, can’t burn them … too dadgum complicated … Just stay where they are may be my best option…

Average high temp for the month of December is 58 degrees, average low 34 and our average rainfall is 3.2 inches…

Shortest day of the year, December 21, longest is June 21 … most and least daylight…

Some folks follow all the social websites … I am not in that category … Receive request to be a friend, followed by a request for conversation … I guess I disappoint … Just another of my many weaknesses…

Attended a going away party for Joe Melvin of NC Southeast recently … Joe has been EDC recruiter for many years for the organization. He is packing up, heading to Michigan for a nice promotion … Wish him well … Maybe he needs to stock-up on long-johns … and yes, a toboggin…

“As we look to the new year, hold on to what is good. Let go of what is bad. It really is that simple.” Mandy Hale

“Kindness is like snow – it beautifies everything it covers.” Kahlil Gibran

“May you never be too grown-up to search the skies on Christmas Eve.” Jamie Grill

robert g hester

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