Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingWhat a difference a year makes….Last year about this time, much was being said about the upcoming political season….beer and wind referendum….
This year municipal elections will be held later in the year…but never produces the interest of county, state and national elections
It is tax time…no rush, deadline is April 15…..
Wish everyone could have heard the presentation by the DSS/Health Department folks about the explosion of youngsters in need of foster care, the shift of cost from the state to the local government… As I have said many times… tax reduction is not a shift of cost to another level of government.
Counties, by law, are subdivisions of the state, partially created, to carry out state services… Shifting of expenses is as strong now as I have ever see…and it is wrong…
Speaking of taxes…should be receiving new revaluation values on real property by the end of the month… It’s the law….
BladenOnline will be covering the ruling by the 3 judge panel related to the Joseph Sledge hearing.  I listened to the Innocence Hearing held recently in Raleigh… No evidence in that hearing that “tied” Sledge to the location of the Davis ladies murder…but, could not help but think….if not Sledge…Who????  And if not Sledge, after 30 years in prison, sad….I have no idea….Whatever the outcome….lots of questions….
The hearing will be held in Columbus County Friday….Why Columbus if the crime occurred in Bladen?  The original trial was moved to Columbus back in the 70’s.
If someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. (Aesop)
Never say anything unless it is kind, necessary and true.
Never wrestle with a pig.  You both get all dirty, and the pig likes it.
If we are what we eat, I’m fast, cheap and easy.
I am sorry I offended you–I guess I should have lied.
robert g hester

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