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By Charlotte Smith

Bladen County Board of County Commissioners held a meeting on Monday, December 20, 2021. There was a full agenda with recognitions of retirees, public hearings, and more.

The Bladen County Board of County Commissioners recognized Ms. Sandra Kemp for her retirement after 23 years of service. Ms. Kemp served most recently as Transportation Specialist with BARTS/Division on Aging. She retires with 23 years of service.

Kelly Robeson and Kent Porter with the County of Bladen BARTS/Division on Aging stood to recognize Ms. Kemp with the commissioners. Porter said of Ms. Kemp, “She was a good steward for Bladen County.”

The Board and County Manager, Mr. Greg Martin, recognized Mr. Chuck Heustess for his recent retirement. Martin spoke about Heustess’ innovative work with economic development. “He is well respected in the economic development field. He has served us well. A lot of development has happened across the county, and he has done an outstanding job,” Martin stated.

“I tell everybody, I’m probably the most spoiled Economic Development Director. I’ve had the best, experienced staff,” Heustess said as he showed his appreciation for the opportunity to serve as the County of Bladen Economic Development Director for twenty-eight (28) years.

The Board also recognized Charles Ray Peterson for serving as the most recent past chairperson of the Board.

Next to speak was Dr. Jimmy Tate with Mt. Calvary Center for Leadership Development. Dr. Tate opened by thanking the commissioners for their long-term working relationship. He explained the Mt. Calvary Center Leadership Development serves rural communities by promoting leadership, youth services, and rural community communication.

A Public Hearing to receive comments regarding a proposed Amendment to Bladen County Zoning Ordinance was held, but no one addressed the Board on the matter. No action was taken on the proposed amendment.

The 2022 Schedule of Values Standards and Rules in the revaluation process for Bladen County was unanimously approved and will go into effect on January 1, 2022.

Lottery Funds in the amount of $291,030 were unanimously approved for the purpose of roof replacement projects at Clarkton School of Discovery.

Commissioner Peterson addressed the Board explaining he would like the county manager to contact the Bladen County School Board about the new school project in Tar Heel because the director over the new construction project was leaving the school system, and he wants to be sure the estimated $7 million of county funding will be used wisely.

Commissioner Dr. Ophelia Munn-Goins said, “We can’t do that.”

“We have some skin in the game,” Mr. Peterson said, “and I want to make sure the money is spent wisely and at least see how they are going to proceed to build the school.”

Watch the meeting online at the County of Bladen’s YouTube channel linked below.

In other matters, the Board approved several “memorandum of understanding” for the Bladen County Health and Human Services Agency.

Mrs. Lisa Coleman reviewed the Financial Dashboard, as well as the Federal Inmate Program summary, for the period ending November 30, 2021, with the Board of Commissioners.

Mr. David Howell, Director of Bladen County Emergency Medical Services, provided an overview of the attached information and emergency transportation.

Director of Emergency Services, Mr. Nathan Dowless, provided an overview of proposed options to provide fire service to residents in the East Arcadia area. No decision was made on the matter.

Mr. Martin provided an update regarding the national opioid litigation process and required documentation to participate, a revised 2022 Board of Commissioners’ Meeting Schedule, and the calendar of events.

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