Thoughts While Shaving
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Ever wake up a couple of hours earlier than usual? Can’t sleep, to early to begin a new day? I remember many years ago while working early mornings at WBLA … I would visit Danios … ‘shoot the bull’ with others up to soon, included late night police officer … better not mention names … Thought about that this a.m.., but no Danios … Wonder if there is such a place at 3 or 4 a.m. now? No, heck no, don’t plan to go looking … Just thinking out loud!

Checked the list of available homes for sale in this area? … not many … No, no, no not looking, just keep hearing about the shortage … so checked a few local sites … think the conversation is the way it is…

Saw statistics related to folks still getting shots for COVID-19 in the area … percentage moving up, but still many who have not received … and still many sick folks … and apparently many who have no interest in getting the shots…

State redistricting plan needs reworking, according to a majority of NC Supreme Court Justices…

The Soviet Union apparently looking for someone to fight … based on the headlines…

Keep hoping I can find a cellphone doc to restore my service…

“Fashion note: There will be little change in pockets this year.”

“When your down and out, something always turns up … like the noses of your friends, for instance.”

“Fine dining hint: Beware of restaurants where the waiters wear funny hats.”

robert g hester

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