Thoughts While Shaving
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Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.comSee in the news Georgia and Maryland are considering suspending motor fuel taxes … short period of time, both mentioned 30 days … can always change on short notice. Seems like a good idea, just remember much of the taxes from sale of gasoline is designated for the Department of Transportation to pave roads, build bridges, etc. … Gas prices locally in the upper $3.90s to low $4 range … Any reduction would be welcomed, there is a down-side … but we need a break.

Wish our members of Congress could agree on something, anything, both parties, a ‘dang’ mess … In Russia, one person makes all the ‘heavy’ decisions … In the US, one person from each party in each house (Senate & House) apparently does it all … “Whips the rank and file” in line … Just be civil … Hard for me to believe that all of either party decided the exact same way … on issue after issue … I know, lots is accomplished, but more should be…

Check 3 Things to Know for Wednesday … and Upcoming Events … Timely info … Check Lu Mil Vineyard, sponsoring a 5k wine run, 9 a.m. Sunday, March 27 … Google their site for more info. Not too late to sign up.

Dates for Relay for Life in Bladen County have been announced … Mark your calendar … April 30 at Elizabethtown Middle School.

Gospel music fans are reminded of the Hoppers Concert, Sunday, March 27 at Galeed Baptist Church, south of Bladenboro.

28th Annual Old Fashioned Planter’s Day, at 9252 Old Fayetteville Road near Garland, Friday and Saturday…

When in doubt, GOOGLE…

NIT basketball tournament continues … Last night’s results … St Bonaventure 51 – Virginia 50 … and Xavier beat Vanderbilt 75-73.

Tonight … Wake Forest vs Texas A&M, 7 p.m., and at 9 p.m. Washington State vs BYU.

“People … will tell you that freedom lies in being cautious. Freedom lies in being bold.” Robert Frost

“There’s power in looking silly and not caring that you do.” Amy Poehler

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” George Bernard Shaw

robert g hester

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