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There is a free webinar on April 22, 2022, sponsored by Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center. The webinar will start at 7 pm.

ECAC said in their announcement about the webinar, “Transition from high school to adulthood for a student with a disability takes planning that involves many steps and many paths. It’s a complex but rewarding journey as you hear about your child’s goals and help them achieve their dreams. This training provides information on transition planning and the importance of the Transition IEP in helping students be successful in their education, future employment, and independent living.”


Upon completion of this webinar, participants will be able to:

•Identify key elements of the Secondary Transition component of the IEP• Summarize how IDEA defines transition

•List post-secondary options available to NC students

•Locate resources to prepare for the transition to adulthood

Follow this link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/5916479956577/WN_eKqzN_VJQ2azbcp8s6b71g

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