Thoughts While Shaving
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Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.comApril 15, usually a day to remember … the deadline for filing tax info from previous year … This year, the deadline is Monday, April 18, 2022.

I am gun shy when it comes to replying for ‘friend’ status on social media … My experience has not been good … receive request from someone, maybe a long time friend, respond positive, then receive response that ends with something totally unrelated to social friendship … Not from anyone I know … so, I am reluctant to reply…

I am not a huge funeral goer … but some just feel I should … such was the case recently … Miss Lou Hancock’s … If you knew Lou, you knew she was special … and the funeral was special … much of it planned by her … Now both parents are deceased but 3 children left to carry on … and no doubt Lou and Tom trained them well … The Hancock’s moved to Bladen County (Elizabethtown) years ago following his retirement from the military. He wanted to own a Western Auto Store and he did … and the area is better because of their time here.

I recently received notice that I was the winner of $500 worth of gas from one of the major gas companies … Didn’t sound right, so I shared with friends in the business … and just as I expected … False alarm … I say that to make others aware … scams are everywhere … I never responded, have no idea who, what, when, where or why me…

Peep out my bathroom window often and admire the landscape, especially the trees, such a varity … tall, short and in-between, green and greener, straight, crooked and still more, many now in bloom. Look up in the trees and see an occasional dead limb that is sure to fall soon … I am reminded of all the people around … like the trees, some tall, some short, others in between … all with different limb structure … some good for anything, some seemingly useless, but all are important … Know folks like that? … I know, kinda far out.

“I found my place when I stopped looking for it” Mahershala Ali

“While you are riding the wave you just put your best self out there and enjoy it.” Freido Pinto

“Find the thing you do well and do it again and again for the rest of your life.” Johann Johannsson

robert g hester

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