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By: Jair McElveen 

Bladen Healthcare is uniquely celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness Month! For the whole month of October, they will be doing daily gift certificates along with weekly gift baskets, they even have a grand prize of a 55” television.

To participate in the drawing, you have to schedule a mammogram; you have to be 40 years of age or 35 years of age if breast cancer is a trait in your family history. Bladen Healthcare can be reached at 910-862-5102. They can provide funding if you would like to schedule a mammogram but do not have insurance. To receive the funding, you should communicate that you do not have insurance beforehand. Along with insurance, you will need a referral from your Doctor. If you call Bladen Healthcare, they could get the referrals for you. 

Breast cancer is a matter that no one should take lightly. You should frequently take a self-examination to make sure that everything is all good. If you do notice, it may be expected. If the changes do not go away, you should notify your doctor and schedule an appointment to check up on your breast. Until then, there are many resources that you could read up on and learn from, like, www.knowyourlemons.org.

Bladen Healthcare would like to include that their whole event could not have been done without the donations they received. They would like to extend a thank you to everyone that donated. 

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