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Contributed by Bobby Gooden

Hello, my name is Robert Gooden, most people know me as Bobby. I was born in Bladen County, and most people know when election time comes, I try to look at all candidates and work very hard for the ones I support. We have a candidate that we need to elect.

My candidate Charlotte Smith owns her own business that being, Bladen Online. She is married to a great guy “Daine,” and they have together a great family.

She did not register in the spring as a candidate for the Board of Education, but she saw the problems the board was having this summer.

She then began the task of starting a petition and got the number of people to sign up to have her name put on the mid-term election ballot.

She has children of her own, knows the problem the schools are having, and will be an asset for the board. She will stand up for the parents, and make sure the parents have their say and are involved when the board meets.

To vote for Charlotte Smith, you will have to write in her name and blot out the circle to insure your vote.
I urge all my family and friends, family, both republican and democrat, to vote for her.

I will be with Charlotte, McVicker, and Cristen Hursey at the Beast Fest this Saturday, so please stop by and chat and meet our candidates.

Thank you for your support,
Bobby Gooden

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