Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingA new Speaker of the US House of Representatives has been elected. Kevin McCarthy was elected late Friday night in the 15th House Floor vote … High drama. The Californian kept making deals, apparently … All in his own Republican party … He replaced Nancy Pelosi, a California Democrat … Republicans took over control of the US House by the slimmest of margins … Democrats are in control of the US Senate … by the slimmest of margins…

No Mega Million winner last night, next drawing will be worth at least $1.1 billion, possibly more … But after Uncle Sam gets his share, less than half that, still a ‘heap’ of money…

Great weather forecast for early January … Mostly sunny today, with a high near 59 degrees. Partly cloudy tonight, with a low around 37 … Sunday (Church Day), partly sunny, with a high near 58. A 40% chance of rain Sunday night, low in the low 40s. Our weather so far this year has been great for the time of year…

Remember splinters to start a fire? Slabs to cut up for burning? … They came from a saw mill … Good firewood … Seldom see a ‘trash’ heater anymore … or an open fireplace…

Remember hearing the term “breaking new ground?” Usually with limited equipment … Today, big equipment moves in and gets the job done…

I woke up last night thinking I had won the lottery … Remembered something I read recently on what to do if you won a huge prize … Do not disclose … get financial and legal assistance before getting the money … I was all set … then no prize … Maybe next time…

“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” Frank Lloyd Wright

“You die young, or you get older. There is nothing in between. You may as well enjoy it.” Helen Mirren

“Your wrinkles reflect the roads you have taken; they form the map of your life … My face carries all my memories. Why should I erase them?” Diane von Fursterberg

robert g hester

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