Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingA new crop year has arrived … In our area, corn is breaking through the soil … Long rows of green corn, maybe a couple of inches tall … The first proof of a new crop year…

Traveling through a nearby county yesterday … Tractors with folks riding behind, ever so slow … dropping plants … maybe sweet potatoes, think it must be too early for tobacco plants … The new crop year has arrived in some areas…

I thought back humpteen years ago of farmers with much less equipment, taking a chance on a new crop year after year…

Farmers must be among the biggest gamblers of all … among us … Too much rain, not enough rain … Trusting souls…

Another shooting, the latest in Atlanta, Ga. A suspect was arrested shortly before midnight last night … after a nearly 8 hour search…

Buying a new house will cost a little more … Interest rate climbed a quarter of a percent yesterday. Fed officials continue efforts to slow or halt inflation…

Late night viewers expected to see more reruns … Film and TV writers on strike as of midnight last night … first such strike in many years.

Never a dull moment…

Local government officials busy working on budgets for the coming fiscal year … Most effective July 1.

Sunny today, with a high near 73 … Northwest wind around 5 to 9 mph. Tonight, mostly clear, low temp near 48. Friday, mostly sunny, with a high near 78. More 80-plus daytime temps beginning Monday…

“Don’t compromise yourself. You’re all you’ve got.” Janis Joplin

“Happiness is not made by what we own, it is what we share.” Jonathan Sacks

“Success is a collection of problems solved.” I.M. Pei

robert g hester

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