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Rep David RouzerWashington, D.C. –Today, Congressman David Rouzer (NC-7) released the following statement after the House of Representatives voted on three bills challenging and expressing opposition to the Obama Administration’s agreement in nuclear negotiations with Iran:

“We all remember September 11, 2001 like it was yesterday — just fourteen short years ago.  The government of Iran, the world’s number one sponsor of terrorism, cheered while America and our allies mourned the more than 2,900 Americans who died on that tragic day.  Today, we have an agreement with Iran before us that will determine America’s future over the course of the next fourteen years and beyond.  Under this so-called ‘deal,’ Iran is guaranteed to have a nuclear arsenal that will threaten Israel, our other allies, and the American homeland.  In the meantime, billions of dollars will be made available through the lifting of sanctions that will most certainly be used to sponsor acts of terrorism all across the world.  For these reasons, I voted against this deal today and will continue to fight against its implementation.”   

To view Congressman Rouzer’s floor speech discussing his opposition to the Iran deal, please click here.

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