Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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Thoughts While ShavingOur national leaders are attempting to work out differences related to budget issues and the debt of the US … Same old story, if one party is for, the other is against … Wish there were some grown-ups in the room … Both have contributed to the deficit for many, many, many years … June 1 is the date the US needs to have something decided … same as the past…

Folks at the local level get it done … annually before the deadline … If Congress and the President can’t do it … Let’s elect leaders that can … both parties…

Whiteville’s MacKenzie Gore is listed as the starting pitcher for the Washington Nationals tonight … Gore will face his old team … San Diego Padres … Game is in D.C. Game time is 7:05 p.m.

Weather forecast for this area … Partly sunny today with a high near 79 and windy. Mostly cloudy tonight … low around 57. Wednesday, a slight chance of showers after 2 p.m. Mostly cloudy with a high near 77 … windy and a 20% chance of precipitation … Same type weather for next week or so.

Thinking about my granddaddy Kingsbury Hester … Never had a vehicle, never heard of him ‘thumbing’ … He walked about 3 miles to and from work, regardless of the shift he was working … regardless of the weather … 5 days a week, and to church on Sunday…

If my memory is correct … He had a green or brown/orange mesh bag he carried his groceries in, over his shoulder, rain or shine, and seldom complained … in fact, I never remember him complaining about anything … sure he did, but not in my presence, that I remember…

Other signs of his time … folks often made their own soap in a wash pot, sometime lye soap … a quarter’s worth of ice was buried in a burlap bag ’til time for it to be used…

Children made up games … inexpensive games … Red Rover, Red Rover let (?) come over … hopscotch, many other similar type games … No complaints … Want chicken? No problem, select one, wring its neck and boil it, add a bag of rice or rice bits … and have a feast, sometimes with sweet tea … Seldom heard of a crime in the neighborhood … No TV, a battery operated radio and a Bladen Journal on Thursday or Friday, depending on the mailman.

We are spoiled … spoiled rotten, as old folks would say…

“Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.” Sally Koch

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” Ronald Reagan

“What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Albert Pine

robert g hester

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