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Dublin, NC – Bladen Community College is set to host a compelling documentary showing on Wednesday, December 6th, from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm in the auditorium of Building 14. The eye-opening documentary, titled “Resilience: The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope,” promises to shed light on a groundbreaking revelation regarding the impact of childhood experiences on long-term health.

“THE CHILD MAY NOT REMEMBER, BUT THE BODY REMEMBERS.” Recent research has exposed a perilous biological syndrome triggered by abuse and neglect during childhood.

“Resilience,” the documentary, delves into the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and marks the birth of a transformative movement to treat and prevent Toxic Stress.

Toxic stress, induced by adverse childhood experiences, can unleash hormones that wreak havoc on the developing brains and bodies of children. The consequences extend beyond childhood, putting individuals at greater risk for diseases, homelessness, incarceration, and premature death. Poverty exacerbates these risks, but no segment of society is immune.

“Resilience” also presents a beacon of hope, chronicling the emergence of a movement determined to fight back. Trailblazers in pediatrics, education, and social welfare are leveraging cutting-edge science and field-tested therapies to shield children from the insidious effects of
toxic stress.

The documentary explores the controversial but crucial research that uncovered the significant public health findings of a generation. It highlights the interconnectedness of extremely stressful childhood experiences with conditions ranging from heart disease and cancer to substance abuse and depression.

“The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope” is not just a tagline but a call to action. The experts and practitioners featured in “Resilience” prove that what’s predictable is preventable.

Through open dialogue about the effects of divorce, abuse, and neglect, coupled with cutting-edge science, they are helping the next generation break the cycles of adversity and disease.

Join us on Wednesday, December 6th, at Bladen Community College’s Building 14 auditorium from 11 am to 12:30 pm for this enlightening documentary showing. Together, let’s unlock the power of resilience and build a healthier future for our children.

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