Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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thoughts while shavingA few weeks ago, I thought I was so ready for a change in the weather … Like so many others, I thought I preferred the fall season … Not too hot and not so cold … Typical human being … Can’t be satisfied … I suppose…

Yesterday’s high temp at the local weather station was 54 degrees, mid afternoon. Overnight low near 30 degrees … give or take a little…

Mostly sunny today with a high near 60 degrees. Mostly clear tonight, low around 34, windy with a northeast breeze, gusts in the 15 mph range. Thursday, sunny, with a high near 51 and breezy … gusts as high as 22 mph. Best chance of rain … Sunday and Monday … ranging from 30% to 50% possibility.

So often, we think no one cares anymore … Little do we know there are angels among us … Just when we need them the most … They show up, right on time … Maybe I can share my recent story … sometime…

How’s the Christmas shopping going? Shop at home when possible … Some of the $s tends to circulate locally.

Read an article recently related to sick deer around the state … Some are dying … due to sickness … So, where do animals go for help?

I have been checking with the State Board of Elections website about local candidates … and I must confess, I am disappointed … Disappointed the info is not readily available. I Google the NC State Board of Elections and search by county. I have been interested in keeping up with filings since the early 1970s, maybe earlier … And, oh yes, disappointed in the apparent lack of interest in public service, period … What happened? I ran a couple of times successfully in the 70s and 80s … 3 seats and usually 10 to 12 candidates … Good candidates … and the public decided … I served for 8 years, decided that was enough. More info is needed, locally and statewide … Not sure what has happened that has apparently ‘turned folks off’ about public service … I hope I am wrong … Maybe it’s party politics … Maybe too few care, period … Not sure … Still a couple of days left to file … Prove me wrong…

“The 3 C’s of life: Choices, Chances, Changes. You must make the choice, to take a chance, if you want anything in life to change” Zig Ziglar

“The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.” Steven Wright

“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in bed with a mosquito.” Betty Reese

robert g hester

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