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Are you a student or parent in North Carolina looking for assistance in navigating the often-complex world of financial aid for college? If so, mark your calendars for Saturday, January 27, 2024, because North Carolina’s FAFSA Day is just around the corner! This free event, hosted on local college campuses, offers one-on-one or small-group support to help you complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is a crucial step in securing financial aid for higher education. It determines your eligibility for federal grants, scholarships, work-study programs, and even some state and institutional aid. Filling out the FAFSA can be daunting, but with the assistance provided on FAFSA Day, you can navigate the process with confidence.Here’s everything you need to know about North Carolina’s FAFSA Day:Date and Time: Saturday, January 27, 2024, from 9 am to 12 pm.Location: Local college campuses across North Carolina. (Bladen Community College is one of the colleges participating in the FAFSA Day. See the flyer above for more information. Who Can Attend: Any student or parent who needs FAFSA assistance is welcome! Whether you’re a high school senior preparing for your first year of college or an adult learner returning to school, this event is designed to help you.Preparation is Key: To make the most of your FAFSA Day experience, it’s essential to prepare in advance. Create your Studentaid.gov Account (formerly known as FSA ID) ahead of time. This will allow you to log in quickly and submit your completed FAFSA during the event. Don’t worry if you’re not sure how to create this account; guidance will be provided.Cheat Sheet for Success: To ensure a smooth process, keep track of your StudentAid.gov account using a cheat sheet. This handy tool will help you remember your login information and other essential details when completing the FAFSA.What to Bring: When you attend North Carolina’s FAFSA Day event, make sure to bring the following items with you for FAFSA completion:1. Social Security Numbers (or Alien Registration Numbers) for both the student and their parents, if applicable.2. Driver’s license or government-issued ID.3. 2023 federal tax returns (IRS Form 1040, 1040A, or 1040EZ), including W-2 forms for both student and parents, if applicable.4. Records of untaxed income, including child support received, interest income, and veterans’ non-education benefits, for both student and parents, if applicable.5. Information on cash, savings, and checking account balances, investments, and business and farm assets for both student and parents, if applicable.By attending North Carolina’s FAFSA Day, you’ll have access to invaluable support and guidance to complete your FAFSA accurately and on time. Remember, financial aid can significantly ease the burden of college expenses, making higher education more accessible to everyone.Don’t miss this opportunity to take a proactive step toward securing the financial aid you need for your educational journey. Mark your calendar for January 27, 2024, and get ready to unlock the doors to your college dreams at North Carolina’s FAFSA Day!

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