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A staff report

The Bladen County Board of Commissioners convened for their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, at the Bladen County Courthouse in Elizabethtown. The session, chaired by Charles R. Peterson, witnessed active participation from board members, staff, and attendees.

The following members were present: Charles R. Peterson, Chairman Dr. Danny Ellis, Vice Chairman Ray Britt, Arthur Bullock, Michael Cogdell, Mark Gillespie, Cameron McGill, Dr. Ophelia Munn-Goins. Excused: Rodney Hester Attorney: Allen Johnson, Johnson Law Firm

Here’s a comprehensive overview of the meeting minutes:

1. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance:

Commissioner Cameron McGill led the invocation, followed by County Manager Greg Martin leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Peterson conveyed regrets for Commissioner Rodney Hester’s absence due to health issues and extended condolences to Robeson County Commissioner David Edge for his recent loss.

2. Consent Items:  

The Board unanimously approved several consent items, including the agenda, minutes of the previous meeting, budget amendments, attorney fees, tax releases, and resolutions, demonstrating an efficient handling of administrative matters.

3. Individuals/Delegations Wishing to Address Commissioners:

Charlie Eaton from the NC Association of County Commissioners County Risk Group expressed appreciation to the Board and recognized County Manager Greg Martin for his service as a Trustee. No other attendees addressed the Board during this segment.

4. Special Recognition:  

County Manager Greg Martin was honored for his years of service, receiving a heartfelt resolution from Chairman Peterson and the Board. Additionally, several employees were recognized for their dedicated years of service to the county, underscoring the importance of valuing commitment and loyalty.

5. Departmental Updates and Presentations:  

a. Emereau: Bladen Charter: Polly Hancock, Head of School, presented construction plans and expansion projects, highlighting efforts to enhance educational facilities.

b. Health Department: Dr. Terri Duncan proposed additional Environmental Health Specialist positions to address permitting backlogs, emphasizing the importance of efficient service delivery.

6. Advisory Board Appointments:  

Future appointments to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council and Nursing Home Advisory Committee were discussed for consideration during the next meeting.

7. Matters of Interest to Commissioners:  

Commissioners engaged in discussions regarding updates on construction projects, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) enabled projects, and budget development. Noteworthy discussions included concerns over funding allocations and potential damage to construction sites.

8. Closed Session:  

The Board entered closed session to deliberate on matters related to attorney-client privilege and personnel issues, adhering to statutory provisions.

The meeting adjourned with plans to reconvene at the Elizabethtown Airport Conference Room on Thursday, January 18, 2024, demonstrating a commitment to addressing critical county matters in a transparent and collaborative manner.

View more details of the meeting by viewing the minutes in this PDF

In a swift and decisive move, the Bladen County Board of Commissioners convened for a Special Meeting on Wednesday, January 31, 2024. The purpose of this session was to address the critical task of designating an interim county manager.

Commissioner Cameron McGill commenced proceedings with an invocation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance led by County Attorney Allen Johnson and his daughter, Mollie M. Johnson. The following members were present: Charles R. Peterson, Chairman Rodney Hester, Ray Britt, Arthur Bullock, Michael Cogdell, Mark Gillespie, and Cameron McGill. With Commissioners Danny Ellis and Ophelia Munn-Goins excused from attendance, Chairman Peterson provided an overview of the responsibilities entailed in the role of interim county manager, emphasizing the need for continuity in administrative functions.

Following deliberations, a motion by Commissioner Britt, seconded by Commissioner McGill, unanimously designated Chairman Peterson as interim county manager. With the efficiency characteristic of the meeting, a subsequent motion by Commissioner Gillespie, seconded by Commissioner Hester, swiftly adjourned the proceedings at 5:05 pm.

View Board of Commissioners meetings on the County of Bladen YouTube channel linked below.


The Board met again on February 5, 2024. More information will be published as soon as it becomes available.

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