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A staff report

As the verdant landscapes of North Carolina burst into life in late spring, outdoor enthusiasts flock to the state’s picturesque trails and parks. However, an increase in outdoor activity coincides with the rise of a tiny, yet significant concern—ticks. These minute hitchhikers are not only a nuisance but also carriers of various diseases, making tick safety a top priority for anyone venturing outside.

The U.S. Forest Service emphasizes the importance of education on tick safety with the aim of preventing these pests from ruining your outdoor experiences. Before you lace up your hiking boots, it’s crucial to visit their dedicated resource at https://www.fs.usda.gov/visit/know-before-you-go/ticks to arm yourself with knowledge about tick identification, habitats, and preventive measures.

Understanding the behavior of ticks and where they are most commonly found can significantly reduce the chances of getting bitten. They thrive in wooded, bushy, or grassy places, waiting to latch onto passing hosts. Wearing protective clothing, using tick repellents, and staying on clear paths are simple, yet effective strategies to keep ticks at bay.

After a day of reveling in North Carolina’s natural beauty, perform a thorough tick check on yourself, your children, and pets. If you do find a tick attached to your skin, it’s imperative to remove it promptly and correctly, minimizing the risk of disease transmission.

Remember, with the right knowledge and tools, you can enjoy the great outdoors with peace of mind, keeping these unwelcome hitchhikers from making it to your home. Stay vigilant and safe as you explore all that nature has to offer.

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