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by Kayla Bell

One of humanity’s most exciting and ambitious endeavors is space exploration. It entails traveling beyond Earth to learn more about the cosmos and how we fit into it. Ten interesting facts regarding space travel are listed below.

1. First Human in Space

As the first person to enter space, Soviet astronaut Yuri Gagarin created history on April 12, 1961. After the Vostok 1 spacecraft completed one orbit around the Earth, he became well-known worldwide and a symbol of Soviet space achievements.

2. First Moon Landing

NASA’s Apollo 11 mission made a successful landing of people on the Moon on July 20, 1969. Michael Collins circled above in the command module as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first and second people to set foot on the moon.

3. The Hubble Space Telescope

Since its deployment in 1990, the Hubble Space Telescope has captured some of the finest detailed images of space in human history. It orbits the Earth about 547 kilometers (340 miles) above sea level and has helped scientists make groundbreaking discoveries.

4. Mars Rovers

NASA has sent out robotic rovers to explore Mars, including Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance. These rovers have recovered invaluable information on the climate, geology, and potential for extraterrestrial life.

5. International Space Station (ISS)

As a living laboratory for microgravity, the International Space Station (ISS) is a man-made satellite in orbit above the Earth. Launched in 1998, it is a collaborative effort between NASA, Roscosmos, JAXA, ESA, and CSA. Months at a time, international astronauts reside and operate on the International Space Station (ISS).

6. Voyager Probes

NASA’s longest-serving spacecraft are Voyager 1 and Voyager 2, launched in 1977. They have left the heliosphere and ventured into interstellar space, returning knowledge about the outer planets and the periphery of our solar system.

7. Reusable Rockets

SpaceX’s creation of reusable rockets transformed space exploration. The 2010 launch of the Falcon 9 rocket, which can land back on Earth after launching a payload into orbit, dramatically lowers the price of space missions.

8. Women in Space

On June 16, 1963, Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova made history by becoming the first female astronaut. She was later followed by many other women, the most notable of whom being NASA astronauts Sally Ride and Peggy Whitson, who presently hold the record for the longest tenure of any American in space.

9. Private Space Tourism

Space tourism is beginning to gain traction thanks to companies like Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin offering public suborbital rides. In 2021, Blue Origin’s New Shepard carried Jeff Bezos and three other passengers to the edge of space, marking a significant milestone in commercial spaceflight history.

10. Future Missions

To establish a permanent presence and use the Moon as a launching pad for future expeditions to Mars, NASA’s Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon by 2024. This massive effort aims to pave the way for future space exploration.

Exploration of space continues to push the limits of human potential. These interesting facts only scratch the surface of the amazing turning points and fascinating projects ahead of us in our quest to comprehend the universe.

Reference Links

Yuri Gagarin and Vostok 1

Space Tourism

Women In Space

Voyager Probe


Mars Rovers

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