Thoughts While Shaving
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And the rain came down…and more is expected….

At the Hester household, about 3 miles southwest of Elizabethtown, as the crow flies…..Our rainfall since Wednesday afternoon measures 8.2 inches of rain. Totals will vary greatly if past history is any indication. A Flood Watch will continue for Bladen County through Monday and the National Weather Service indicates another 3 to 6 inches is on the way…

So hang on…can’t get wetter….just deeper….

Think it would be safe to say any outdoor activities are likely to be cancelled….with one exception. The East Bladen at Clinton football game was still a go as of late Friday afternoon. Both coaches would love to play…not many prefer a Monday game, but we shall see….Gametime today is 6:30 p.m at Clinton. We will provide updates as we receive them.

If the game is played, Bladen Sports Network will broadcast on BladenOnline.com and WODR, 105.3. We could be a little late joining the high school broadcast. WODR has a contractual arrangement to carry the Carolina Tar Heel games and the local broadcast will follow the Carolina game….

Are you a dreamer? I guess we all are to some degree….I dream of winning the lottery…plans are in place should it occur….I do not recommend purchasing tickets, just a dreamer…..

Last night’s dream was an interesting experience…The bottom line, as we face the challenges of life, we have friends that are ready to assist…Some just want to be helpful, others want to help for a fee and others just ignore the situation and say “deal with it.” I know…we are all different….unique…

As a youngster, with 5 siblings, on a rainy day in a small house with two parents, sometimes we played games…like monopoly or checkers or something similar……Today, youngsters have their toys….mostly high tech and expensive…

I keep numerous, mostly positive notes around my work area…..

Today I share Cardinal Rules of Life by John Tesh

1) Make peace with your past..so it won’t disturb your present.
2) What other people think of you is none of your business
3) Time heals almost everything. Give it time.
4) No one is in charge of your happiness, except you.
5) Don’t compare your life to others and don’t judge them…you have no idea what their journey is all about.

robert g hester

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