Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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thoughts while shavingWe needed rain … and late yesterday our area received rain … over an inch came down between 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. High temp recorded at the weather station at Curt Brown airport was near 95 degrees … dropped to near 72 overnight … Welcome relief…

Mostly cloudy skies to clear over a short time frame…

Sunny today (Friday) with a high near 90 … Clear tonight with a low near 64 … Saturday’s forecast … Sunny with a high near 89 … overnight low around 66 under clear skies … Sunday, sunny with a high near 94.

Seasonal temp outlook for June, July and August, according to the National Weather Service info … above normal temps for the period…

It’s official, 2023 was the world’s warmest year on record (1950-2023). Fortunately, no drought currently exists across our portion of the Carolinas … and drought outlooks from the Climate Prediction Center suggest no significant potential for drought to develop this summer … doesn’t mean it will not happen, but not likely…

2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook…
Named storms: 17-25
Hurricanes: 8-12
Major hurricanes: 4-7

2024 Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Names…
Ernesto … Actually 28 names on the lists…

Hurricane Preparedness Week for North Carolina was May 5th-May 11th, 2024…

For more info, Google Summer 2024 Climate Outlook for northeastern SC and southeastern NC.

Busy weekend in sports … MacKenzie Gore, Whiteville native, is slated to pitch for Nationals vs. Braves Saturday…

NASCAR, Sunday, in California … NCAA Baseball Super Regionals this weekend … UNC, NC State and Clemson … all participating.

PGA Memorial Tournament in Ohio, $20 million purse … $3.6 million to winner…

Just another weekend … All stats courtesy of the Hester Research Team…

“The only one who can tell you ‘you can’t win’ is you and you don’t have to listen.” Jessica Ennis Hill

“There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you.”

“Talent is never enough. With few exceptions the best players are the hardest workers.” Magic Johnson

robert g hester

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