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by Kayla Bell

Camping in Bladen County’s summer heat is a fantastic experience, but it’s important to be safe in the heat. Locate a campsite with lots of shade first. Your tent and the shared areas will stay cooler thanks to the natural cover. Aim for any accessible winds when erecting your tent, and make sure it has adequate ventilation.

Keep yourself hydrated in hot heat. Always have an ample supply of water with you, and urge everyone to routinely sip from it, even if they don’t feel thirsty. Bring hydration packs and water bottles, and think about purchasing a cooler to keep beverages cold. Beverages that replace electrolytes can also aid in preventing heat-related diseases and dehydration.

To assist sweat evaporate, wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing that reflects the sun’s rays. You can shield your face and eyes from the sun with sunglasses and a hat with a wide brim. Use a high-SPF broad-spectrum sunscreen and reapply it often, particularly after sweating or swimming.

Plan your activities to avoid the peak heat of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Use this time to relax in the shade, have a picnic, or enjoy water-based activities to stay cool. Early morning and late afternoon are better for hiking, exploring, setting up, and breaking camp.

Keep meals light and easy to prepare to avoid using heat-generating camp stoves during the hottest part of the day. Opt for cold meals like sandwiches, salads, and fresh fruit. If you cook, try to do it during the cooler parts of the day or use a portable grill away from your sleeping area.

Sleeping comfortably in the heat can be challenging. Consider using a lightweight sleeping bag or just a sleeping pad and sheet. Battery-operated fans can also make a big difference in your tent. Keep your tent flaps open with mesh covers to allow air to circulate while keeping insects out.

Be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion and stroke, such as heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, or confusion. If anyone in your group shows these symptoms, move them to a cooler place, provide hydration, and seek medical help if necessary.

Camping in Bladen County’s summer heat can be enjoyable and memorable if you take the right precautions. Stay hydrated, seek shade, and plan your activities wisely to ensure a safe and fun outdoor adventure.

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