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A staff report

Photos by kenarmphoto.com

Amid the summer heat on June 7, 2024, West Bladen High School embraced a momentous occasion as they bid farewell and congratulated the graduating Class of 2024. The commencement ceremony, held at Elizabethtown Middle School at 3 pm, was a blend of pride, nostalgia, and hope for the future.

The proceedings commenced with an air of patriotism as two graduates serenaded the audience with the National Anthem, setting the tone for an eventful evening. Brook Singletary, the Class President, then took to the stage to extend a warm welcome to all attendees, marking the beginning of a journey through memories and accomplishments.

Among the distinguished guests on stage were Chairperson of the Bladen County Board of Education, Tim Benton, along with BCS Superintendent Dr. Jason Atkinson and West Bladen Principal Dr. Peggy Hester. Assistant Principals Mr. Joey Autry and Ms. Celeste Lennon also graced the stage, symbolizing the support system integral to the graduates’ success.

Photos by kenarmphoto.com

Reflecting on the bittersweet nature of the day, Singletary stirred emotions as she guided her peers down memory lane, reminiscing about the shared experiences that shaped their high school years. “These are the moments we will cherish for the rest of our lives,” she remarked, encapsulating the sentiment of the graduating class. With pride and determination, Singletary concluded, “Congratulations, Class of 2024, We did it!”

Dr. Atkinson, in his closing remarks, emphasized a profound message of success and contribution to society. “Remember, success isn’t just measured by what you achieve, but what you contribute to the world,” he imparted, urging the graduates to carry this wisdom into their future endeavors.

As the ceremony neared its conclusion, Dr. Atkinson acknowledged the collective efforts of families, friends, teachers, and staff members who played instrumental roles in shaping each graduate’s journey. Their unwavering support and guidance helped the students reach this significant milestone.

However, the pinnacle of emotion arrived with Dr. Peggy Hester’s heartfelt address to the graduating class. Dr. Hester expressed a deep attachment to the Class of 2024 in her passionate speech, highlighting the unique bond forged over the years. Recalling personal milestones and moments shared with her students, she affectionately proclaimed her love for each one, even jesting about adopting some. “I hope you have felt loved while you were here at West Bladen High School,” she expressed, encapsulating the nurturing environment fostered within the school community.

Before the distribution of diplomas, Dr. Hester’s words lingered in the hearts of graduates and attendees alike, reinforcing the profound impact of genuine care and mentorship in shaping young minds.

As the ceremony concluded, graduates and their families were invited to relive the moment through the live stream, preserving the memories of this significant milestone for years to come.

The graduation ceremony of West Bladen High School’s Class of 2024 was more than just a celebration of academic achievements; it was a testament to the bonds formed, the challenges overcome, and the bright futures awaiting each graduate. As they embark on their respective paths, may they carry with them the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the enduring spirit of West Bladen High School.

To view West Bladen High School Graduation Livestream, please follow the link below to continue watching on YouTube.


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