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A staff report

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When a motorist found themselves stranded in the middle of Broad Street in Elizabethtown, NC, during a busy lunch hour, Bladen County Sheriff’s Office investigators A. Brisson and T. Lewis quickly came to the rescue. The two officers helped push the overheated vehicle to a safe area and provided assistance to the motorist, showcasing their dedication and willingness to lend a helping hand in times of need.

The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office is proud to have some of the most dedicated employees, always ready to assist the community. This incident highlights the commitment of the Sheriff’s Office to ensuring the safety and well-being of Bladen County residents.

Tips for Motorists During the Summer Heat

Summer heat can be particularly tough on vehicles, increasing the likelihood of breakdowns and overheating. Here are some essential tips for motorists to keep in mind to avoid being stranded:

1. Regular Maintenance
– Ensure your vehicle undergoes regular maintenance checks, including oil changes, coolant levels, and battery health. Keeping your car in good condition reduces the risk of unexpected breakdowns.

2. Check Coolant Levels
– Overheating is a common issue in summer. Make sure your coolant levels are adequate and check for any leaks in the cooling system. Top off coolant as needed and consider having your cooling system flushed if it hasn’t been done recently.

3. Inspect Tires
– Hot pavement can increase the likelihood of tire blowouts. Check tire pressure regularly and ensure your tires have sufficient tread. Don’t forget to check the spare tire as well.

4. Air Conditioning System
– A properly functioning air conditioning system not only keeps you comfortable but also prevents the engine from overheating. Get your AC system checked before the peak of summer.

5. Emergency Kit
– Always have an emergency kit in your vehicle. This should include water, non-perishable snacks, a first aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, basic tools, and a fully charged phone or a portable charger.

6. Stay Hydrated
– Keep plenty of water in your vehicle, especially if you’re planning long drives. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially in case of a breakdown where you might have to wait for help.

7. Plan Your Route
– Plan your trips and check the weather forecast. Avoid traveling during the hottest parts of the day if possible. Knowing your route can also help you identify nearby service stations and rest stops.

8. Stay Informed
– Listen to traffic updates and be aware of any roadwork or accidents that might cause delays. Being informed allows you to make alternate travel plans if necessary.

By following these tips, motorists can better prepare for the challenges of summer driving and reduce the risk of being stranded. The Bladen County Sheriff’s Office encourages all drivers to stay safe and enjoy their travels this summer.

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