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by Kayla Bell

Chocolate: the smooth, decadent treat that melts in your mouth and (let’s be honest) sometimes on your fingers too. But did you know there’s a whole world of fascinating facts hidden behind every delicious bite? Buckle up, chocoholics, because we’re about to dive into ten reasons to love chocolate even more!

Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees, But Cocoa Does: Believe it or not, cocoa beans were once so valuable to the Aztecs and Mayans that they were used as currency. Imagine paying for your groceries with a handful of delicious cocoa beans – talk about a sweet deal!

Bean There, Done That: Making that chocolate bar wasn’t easy. It takes about 400 cacao beans to produce just one pound of chocolate! That’s a lot of cocoa trees! Next time you savor that creamy goodness, take a moment to appreciate the effort that goes into every delicious square.

Happiness in a Bar: Ever wonder why chocolate makes you feel happy? It’s not just your imagination! Chocolate contains chemicals like phenylethylamine, anandamide, and theobromine, which trigger the release of endorphins and stimulate the central nervous system, having mood-boosting properties. So next time you’re feeling down, reach for a square (or two) of chocolate – science says it might just help!

The Dark Side of Chocolate (Is Delicious): Dark chocolate lovers rejoice! Not only is dark chocolate generally higher in antioxidants, but it also contains a small amount of caffeine, giving you a little pick-me-up with your indulgence. While the amount is far less than a cup of coffee, it can be enough to provide a subtle energy boost.

Chocolate History: The first chocolate concoction wasn’t a candy bar, but a hot beverage enjoyed by the Aztecs. They brewed a bitter drink from cocoa beans, spices, and chilis. This spicy beverage is a far cry from the sweet hot chocolate we know today, but it laid the foundation for our modern love of the drink.

Swiss Chocolate: Contrary to popular belief, Switzerland isn’t the origin of chocolate. That title belongs to Mesoamerica, where the Aztecs and Mayans cultivated the first cocoa plants and created the first chocolate drinks. The Swiss certainly perfected the art of chocolate making, but the origins of this delicious treat lie in a whole other continent.

That’s Not Chocolate: White chocolate technically isn’t real chocolate! It lacks cocoa solids, the key ingredient that gives chocolate its distinct flavor and health benefits. White chocolate is made from cocoa butter (the fat from the cocoa bean), sugar, milk, and flavorings, creating a sweet and creamy treat, but not technically chocolate in the strictest sense.

Choc-ful of Languages: The word “chocolate” comes from the Aztec word “xocolatl,” which translates to “bitter water.” Thankfully, the taste has evolved a bit since then! Over time, the word traveled from the Aztec language and eventually into English, giving us the decadent-sounding word we know today.

Chocolate Connoisseurs with Claws: Dogs might be man’s best friend, but they shouldn’t share your stash. Theobromine, a compound found in chocolate, is toxic to canines. While it’s perfectly safe for humans, even small amounts can be dangerous for dogs, so keep your chocolate treats out of reach of your furry companions.

Chocoholics Unite: There’s a day dedicated entirely to the glory of chocolate: World Chocolate Day on July 7th. Mark your calendars and prepare to celebrate! Gather your fellow chocolate lovers, indulge in your favorite treats, and appreciate the rich history and deliciousness of this universal favorite.

So, the next time you pop open a bar of chocolate, take a moment to appreciate the amazing journey those cocoa beans have taken. From ancient currency to a global sensation, chocolate is more than just a treat – it’s a rich piece of history (and maybe a little bit of science) in every delicious bite.

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