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by Kayla Bell

The Seven Wonders of the World have captivated imaginations for centuries. These awe-inspiring structures, both ancient and modern, stand as testaments to human ingenuity and artistry. But beyond their grandeur, there’s a treasure trove of fascinating stories waiting to be discovered.

So, put on your explorer hat and delve into these 10 fun facts about the Seven Wonders of the World:

The Original Seven Wonders Were…Well, Not So Permanent: Forget about selfies – these ancient wonders weren’t built for the Instagram age. Sadly, only the Great Pyramid of Giza remains standing from the original list compiled around the 2nd century BC. Earthquakes, wars, and natural disasters claimed the rest, leaving behind tantalizing ruins and mysteries.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: Myth or Mystery? Scholars still debate whether these legendary gardens said to be built by King Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife, actually existed. There’s no archaeological evidence, but elaborate irrigation systems discovered in Babylon hint they might not be entirely mythical.

The Colosseum: A Stage for Spectacles (and Sometimes, Controversy):
 This iconic Roman amphitheater wasn’t just for gladiatorial combat. Animal hunts, staged battles, and even public executions were part of the bloody entertainment lineup. However, some historians believe the popular image of constant gladiatorial carnage is overblown, with many events being more ceremonial.

Chichen Itza’s Whistling Secret:
 This Mayan city in Mexico boasts a remarkable phenomenon. The wind whistling through the El Caracol, a snail-shaped observatory, creates an eerie chirping sound, some say resembling the call of a quetzal bird, a sacred Mayan symbol.
Christ the Redeemer: A Modern Marvel with a Spiritual Heart: Corcovado Mountain in Rio de Janeiro wasn’t always graced by the outstretched arms of Christ the Redeemer. Funding for the statue came partly from public donations during the Great Depression, a testament to the enduring power of faith even during hard times.
The Taj Mahal: A Monument of Love, Not Just Loss: While the story of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan building the Taj Mahal to honor his deceased wife is well-known, it’s not the whole story. The complex also housed gardens, a mosque, and a guest house, signifying a place of life and celebration alongside remembrance.
The Great Wall of China: A Wall You Can (Almost) See From Space: Okay, maybe not quite from space, but the Great Wall’s sheer scale is mind-boggling. Estimates suggest it stretches over 13,000 miles, with sections dating back to the 7th century BC.
Petra: The Rose-Red City That Time Forgot: Carved from sandstone cliffs in Jordan, Petra’s beauty is as captivating as its mysterious past. The Nabataean people, skilled engineers and traders, built this city as a trade hub. However, by the early Roman Empire, Petra had faded into obscurity, only to be rediscovered by a Swiss explorer in 1812.
Machu Picchu: Lost City of the Incas, Found by a Teenager: This breathtaking citadel high in the Peruvian Andes remained hidden for centuries after the Spanish conquest. In 1911, a young explorer named Hiram Bingham stumbled upon the ruins, sparking a worldwide fascination with the Inca civilization.
The Seven Wonders Aren’t All Created Equal: The “New7Wonders” list, chosen by a global vote in 2007, includes awe-inspiring structures like the Christ the Redeemer statue and the Great Wall of China alongside more recent marvels like the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
So, the next time you hear about the Seven Wonders of the World, remember, that these landmarks aren’t just about bricks and mortar. They’re windows into the past, testaments to human ambition, and reminders of the enduring power of human creativity.

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