Spread the love

By: Charlotte Smith

Halloween hasn’t quite made it’s way here yet, and we don’t want to rush time, but our BladenOnline.com family would like to do an outreach project in Bladen County for Thanksgiving. We know some of our local churches, civic groups and other caring people may have the same idea, so we want to work together with anyone willing to help.

It seems sometimes there is so much discord and too many differences, no hope is in sight. Some people are left homeless, families are split up, people argue over petty differences, and thoughtfulness and caring goes out the window. However, we know there is hope.

There are great people in Bladen County with big hearts and compassion for our fellow citizens. We want to help our communities come together for a great cause.

Our vision for this out reach project is to work together with each of our communities in Bladen County to have a place for anyone who doesn’t have somewhere to go for Thanksgiving dinner to have a place to go in one of our communities. We want these people to receive a good hot meal, smiles, and leave feeling loved and part of something.

We know that Bladen County is a rural area, and we want to make sure a dinner is not too far from any one community. If each community has a dinner set up, no one should go without on the day celebrated for the many blessings in life.

If your church or civic group already has a plan to offer a meal for Thanksgiving, please send us the information so we can help get the message out. If there is not anything planned in your community yet for a Thanksgiving dinner, contact us here at BladenOnline.com. Email us at bladenonline.com@gmail.com or call us at (910)876-5393.

BladenOnline.com will help with organizing, getting the message out, and participate with setting up, serving and delivering food where needed. If you are a caring person and would like to join forces with us by brining food, serving, or setting up, we will need all the help we can get, please contact us.

We are excited about getting to know each community better, reaching out to help others, and showing others that Bladen County is a great place to live. We will publish updates about this project as progress is made.

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