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1682—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is founded.
1780—Samuel Williams and the first U.S. astronomical expedition to record an eclipse of the sun observes the event at Penobscot Bay.
1838—Missouri governor Lilburn Boggs issues the Extermination Order, which orders all Mormons to leave the state or be exterminated.
1864—Confederate ship Albemarle torpedoed and sunk by a spar torpedo mounted on a steam launch.
1871—Boss Tweed (William Macy Tweed), Democratic leader of Tammany Hall, arrested after NY Times exposed his corruption.
1913—President Wilson says US will never attack another country.
1920—Westinghouse radio station in East Pittsburgh, KDKA begins.
1925—Water skis patented by Fred Waller.
1938—DuPont announces its new synthetic polyamide fiber will be called “nylon”
1947—“You Bet Your Life” with Groucho Marx premieres on ABC radio.
1960—Singer Ben E King records “Spanish Harlem” & “Stand By Me”
1969—Ralph Nader sets up a consumer organization known as Nader’s Raiders.
1975—Covers of both Time & Newsweek picture rock singer Bruce Springsteen.
1982—China announces its population at 1 billion people plus.
1988—“ET” released to home video (14 million presold)
1992—Fox is to launch Tuesday night network TV, rescheduled for December.
1997—Dow Jones crashes record 554 points to 7161.
1997—Intel Corporation buys Digital Equipment for $700 million.
1999—MLB World Series: New Yankees defeat Atlanta Braves to win 4-0.
2004—The Boston Red Sox win the World Series for the first time in 86 years.
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