Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingKC Royal fans are celebrating after game 2 in 2015 World Series…..Last night results…Royals 7 – NY Mets 1.  Royals lead best of seven series 2-0…..The teams have today off for travel.  Next game Friday in New York.
The 2015 high school football season is nearing the end….Two more regular season games and hopefully both Bladen teams will make the playoffs….
It’s Thursday, my favorite day of the week….Hester’s weekly get-together this evening…..
Hope you have checked weekend activities listed on our Events page…..something for everyone…
Do you watch the debates???  Enjoy, I will join in when the number on the stage is greatly reduced….Haven’t seen any of either party yet….But I will……
Check our entire paper…..The BladenOnline crew is doing a good job of covering news and sports and much more…..and The Best Is Yet To Come….Trust me….sound like a politician?….We keep our promises….
Another list I recently discovered in the attic….Bladen County Little Tar Heel League All Stars that included Elizabethtown and Dublin players in the playoffs……No year on the roster….Had to be early to mid 70s.
Mike Basinger       Cardinals
Kenneth Clark       Braves
Ronald Fields        Dublin
Ricky Hester         Cardinals
Leonard Hood       Giants
Winfred Johnson   Cardinals
Johnny Kalish       Cardinals
Gary Kinlaw          Dublin
Doug McClure      Cardinals
Darryl McDowell   Cardinals
Bill Rogers            Giants
Robert Veeder      Dublin
William Wayne     Dodger
Dennis Williams   Braves
Mike Williams       Dodgers
Ronald Williams   Dodgers (thought he was a Cardinal)  Just reading from the roster…
Bat Boy  Cliff Cromartie
Coaches   Robert G Hester & Earl McClure
Scorekeeper       Wilford Hardin
President of League   Don Wayne
Fun days….
Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.   General Colin Powell
You learn when you listen.  Your earn when you listen, not just money, but respect.  Harvey Mackay.
People achieve more as a result of working with others than against them.  Dr. Allan Fromme
Words of comfort, skillfully administered, are the oldest therapy known to man.  Louis Nizer
Our patience will achieve more than our force.  Edmund Burke

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