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By: Sheila Nance
Clarkton School of Discover Students Pay It Forward
The CSD “Pay it Forward” class has been a ray of inspiration around the halls and throughout the surrounding Clarkton communities. Why? Because they care about their fellow person. To begin with students quickly chose a cause for which they cared deeply: collecting can tabs to help finance the wonderful works of the Ronald McDonald House in Durham.
Clarkton School of Discovery Pays it Forward
The can tab drive has been so successful that the students elected to keep it going even though the 9 weeks grading period had ended. Secondly, students committed to performing random acts of kindness wherever they went. They made chain links from colored paper to represent all the selfless acts they had committed in the spirit of “paying it forward.”
These bright and cheerful chains were then hung throughout the halls of CSD reminding them, and their peers, of the importance of helping others. Compiling care packages for soldiers was the final act of kindness performed by the “Pay it Forward” students as a group. They brought in a variety of items, including snacks, grooming items, and personal notes, to ship overseas to soldiers connected to the family of one of our CSD students.
Everyone was eager to participate and help show their appreciation for what they themselves called the ultimate act of “paying it forward”: soldiers sacrificing their own lives and family time to serve their country. The change seen is this small group of students has been a true inspiration.
If every person touched by one act of kindness by these twelve students turns and pays it forward, just how far could this movement go? What better message is there to pass on to younger generations than to help those in need; be kind to those who are hurting; smile at those who look sad; feed those who are hungry? Our “Pay it Forward” students are changing the world one random act of kindness at a time. Won’t you join us?
Sheila Nance “Pay it Forward” teacher
Media Specialist, Clarkton School of Discovery


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