Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingI have been sharing info about new tax values that were to arrive the last week in January….Did not happen…but, have learned that over 32,000 tax notices (values) were transferred electronically Friday, January 30, 2015. They are being processed and mailed…according to Tax Administrator Chris Ellis, notices should arrive this week. Oh yes, appeal process begins immediately.

The arm chair quarterbacks were busy Monday, sharing what the last call in the Super Bowl should have been….Unfortunately, like so many other business decisions, the folks with all the answers have never been in a position to provide their expert advice…

Think we will have 6 more weeks of winter weather? Maybe we can confirm with a Farmer’s Almanac…

High School football practice begins with temps in the 90’s, and baseball practice begins in the middle of winter….but it’s the same for everyone…

If we look for the bad, don’t have to look far….Many of our folks are into the use of illegal drugs, many of our roadways are a horrible sight with litter…..There are too many vacant seats in our places of worship….children are being born into homes where they are not planned, too many times not wanted and without resources to allow them much of a chance of succeeding…

On the other hand…many good people attempting to overcome the negatives….such as Bladen Crisis, our churches and do-good organizations with good ideas and many times, limited budgets and too few participants…

Guess I grew up in a time when we were told….I am responsible for me, treat others as we want to be treated…Doesn’t always work that way…sometimes because of our shortcomings…

Kinda ramblin’ sorry, but truthful…

It is not what you gather but what you scatter that tells what kind of life you have lived.

Quality rather than quantity determines your success.

Have you ever noticed how the contents of a box are much more interesting before the box is opened?

robert g hester

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