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A reminder, it’s time for residents/candidates to step-up, sign-up to run for a political office.  Filing is underway at the local Board of Elections, 301 Cypress Street in E-town.  Good men and women are needed.

Bet many will be seeking the address of Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook and his wife Priscilla Chan.  They announced recently that they are giving away $45 billion to good causes to make the world a better place for their newborn daughter, Max, to live in.  They join the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and others who have made ‘big bucks’ and are giving back. Wish there were more like them.  They represent the opposite of selfish and greed.  Oh yes, the money will be dispersed through a foundation the couple have established.

Keep thinking the economy is going to ‘kick into high gear,’ but appears to be moving upward at a snail’s pace.  At least one exception…nearly 16 million new vehicles have been sold through November 30, 2015.  The industry is on track to challenge the nearly 17 1/2 million sold in 2000.

At least one source indicated the average price of a new 2015 auto is nearly $34,000, times 16 million makes for good business for financial institutions.  No idea how many of those were sold to Bladen County residents, but none were purchased in Bladen.  No new car dealers in the county.

I love BladenOnline.  Keeps everyone in the ‘news’ loop.

What do you think about body cams?  Would be nice if Zuckerman, Gates and Buffett would make body cams a priority for their foundations.  Maybe they have.  Just a thought…while shaving with a dull blade.

Check our Events page for, what else, events in the area and the page is constantly being updated.

When I was working in the real world, I traveled the state. I picked up a couple of tips I used….one is, leave while they still want you to stay, the second: give advice only when ask for and then, sparingly.

A true friend warms you with their presence, trusts you with their secrets, and remembers you their prayers.

A good friend is like a wonderful book, the inside is better than the cover.

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