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Mary Caitlin Campbell, a trainer at Healthworks Fitness in Elizabethtown, enjoys assisting others and helping them develop a plan to meet their fitness goals.

She recently took time out of her busy schedule to talk about the importance of fitness.

“I feel better when I’m working out and eating like I’m supposed to do, so I try to remind others they will too,” said Campbell.

She said that sometimes folks will get in a rut with their workout. Campbell suggested that folks take a picture as they are beginning their efforts to become more physically fit. Then take another photo of themselves at various intervals, for example, once per week or after 6 months. Campbell said you may not necessarily feel that much different but when you look at the pictures, you can notice a difference.

Campbell said that the work outs she prepares for a client will vary depending on their fitness goals. She said a lot of her clients work out using the cardio machines, air squats and some clients engage in circuit training for several rounds.

Campbell’s interest in fitness and working out started when she attended West Bladen High School and athletes were offered a weight training class.

The interest that was sparked in high school for Campbell continued through college and now has grown into a career and a hobby.

When Campbell is not assisting others with their fitness goals, she is working on her own, with weight lifting competitions. Campbell said she entered her first weight lifting competition in 2013 and continues to compete.

“I’ve been actively lifting weights for probably eight years,” said Campbell.

When asked what her clients can expect, Campbell said that typically they will meet with her twice per week for one hour. She added that she does have some clients whom only meet with her once per week.

Campbell said that for the days she is not meeting with her client, the client will still need to come to the gym as she will give them other exercises to perform depending on the client’s goals.

She said folks should plan on spending at least three or four days per week in the gym.

“I think people should be active,” said Campbell.

She said that a client should start to notice a difference within a week or two of starting to work out. Some differences Campbell noted were clients should not feel as sluggish, have more energy and should start to see visible results within a month.

Campbell recommends consuming items such as granola, fruit, or protein shakes at least one hour before her clients work out. Campbell said ideally after a work out a client should consume some type of protein that consists of a low fat, fast digesting carbohydrate to get protein into the muscles.

To start your personal training sessions with Campbell, contact her at Healthworks Fitness and Wellness in Elizabethtown at 910-862-6533. She is accepting new clients and does group sessions as well.

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