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Candace Langston SRMC If you or someone you know has ever been diagnosed with cancer, you’ve undoubtedly felt or observed the energy draining effects of the treatment.  Though a life-saving measure, the effects of cancer treatment  can have a profound impact on quality of life for the cancer patient.  When energy levels drop because of cancer treatment, so do activity levels.  The risk for cardiovascular disease increases as activity levels decline.

To combat these devastating effects, Southeastern Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, in collaboration with the Gibson Cancer Center, developed and launched the Survivorship Planning and Cancer Education (S.P.A.C.E.) Program in September 2015.  The group-based program met twice a week and focused on improving exercise capacity, quality of life and cancer related fatigue in cancer survivors.  Each participant completed a pre- and post-fitness assessment, pre- and post-quality of life assessments, pre- and post-cancer related fatigue assessments, an individualized exercise program and cancer-related education.  Education topics included exercise, diet, stress management and relaxation techniques.

The three-month pilot program concluded in January 2016.  Follow-up data shows that each participant improved in exercise capacity, quality of life and cancer-related fatigue. The results of the pilot were nothing short of a success. 

Due to the positive response of the S.P.A.C.E. Program, Southeastern Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation will be offering the program on a self-pay basis.  The three-month program will meet two days per week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) at Southeastern Lifestyle Center in Lumberton and will cost $200 per cancer survivor. For more information, please contact Candace Langston at 910-738-5403, ext. 2, or langst01@srmc.org.

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