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Thoughts While ShavingThis was a good morning to go for a 6 a.m. walk.  The temperature provided extra incentive to move along….Love walking in the early a.m.  Do miss my longtime walking friend, Janice Johnson.  She continues her recovery at Pender Memorial Hospital extended care.  For those that do not remember, she was critically injured 9-11-2014 in a vehicle accident near Bladen Community College.

The ‘Clarks’ of Bladenboro survived on the “The Biggest Loser” TV show last night.  Vicky and daughter Lauren kinda stay in the middle of the pack, slow but consistent weight loss, despite a close call for Lauren in the latest episode.

The number of commercials was about the same as the content of the program….5 minutes of content and the about 5 minutes of commercials.  The FCC now allows unlimited commercials, a big change from years gone by.  We want less government intervention, and we now have that in TV advertising.

Hope you have taken precautions related to the cold weather.  Outside pipes wrapped…..The cold weather is here for several more hours.  High temps today in mid to upper 30s, low tonight around 20 degrees and high tomorrow in mid 40s.  Typical January temps return Thursday and Friday with highs in the 50s.

Check with those in charge of outdoor activities scheduled for today before making a trip.  The weather may cause cancellations despite sunny skies.

Today is a good day to check on your neighbors, make sure they have necessities.

Would you bet your grocery money on any one of the Republican candidates for President?

What changes would you like to see in the county? area?  What are you willing to do to make changes?

Just for today, I will live through the next few hours and not try to tackle all of life’s problems at once.

Just for today, I will do two things I don’t want to do, just because I need the discipline.

Just for today, I will be agreeable.  I will look my best, speak in a well-modulated voice, be courteous and considerate.

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