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The Elizabethtown Rotary Club met on Wednesday and heard from Jacqueline Madden regarding RYLA weekend. Marley Ketterer also attended RYLA but was unable to be present at the luncheon meeting.

RYLA is the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Conference weekend. It was held at the Trinity Center at Pine Knoll Shores. The purpose is to encourage youth leadership and interaction with other leaders in the state.

Rotarian Eddie Madden introduced his daughter, Jacqueline, to the club.

“Each President has an initiative or some aspect of Rotary they focus on,” said Madden.

He said that President Renee Horton was a former RYLA and has also sent her children to RYLA.

“I thought it was interesting when Renee brought it up and wanted our club to send someone,” said Madden. 

Madden thanked the club for their willingness to send both Jacqueline and Marley to the event.

Jacqueline Madden said that different speakers were present at the event and shared their stories.

One of speakers actually manages all the hotels in Disney world and another was Dexter Williams, a former Harlem Globe Trotters basketball team member.

Jacqueline Madden said that the participants had the opportunity to participate in Stop Hunger Now.

“We packaged food to go all over the world,” said Jacqueline Madden

She added that she also enjoyed meeting people from all over North Carolina.

Dawn Maynard, who provided transportation for the ladies, said, “I had the joy to drive them there and bring them back. On the way back talked the entire time.”

Maynard said when they arrived at the event, they found out they were assigned to the same cabin.

In other business, Rotarian Greg Martin gave the group some information on the proposed quarter-cent sales tax referendum.

Otis Evans addressed the group regarding two upcoming events for Relay for Life. Evans said he has an upcoming golf tournament on April 8 and a 5K race scheduled for March 26. To register for these events you can go to  http://www.active.com/bladenboro-nc/running/relay-for-life-5k-fun-run-2016.

He gave a moving talk about how his life has been touched by cancer. He said his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996. He said as a result of her illness the couple became involved in Relay for Life. Evans said his wife was later diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and she fought a courageous battle for 15 months.

Evans said his brother was diagnosed with cancer and Evans said he was diagnosed with Kidney cancer and recently learned he has spots on his lungs.

“I’ve done things in the past to support Relay. This year I want to do something different. I want to do something more,” said Evans.

He said the idea for the 5K run and the golf tournament began to develop. Evans asked that everyone support the events in any way they can.

Rotarian Eddie Madden talked about the upcoming Elizabethtown Rotary 8K to benefit USO-NC. He reminded the membership that the event is listed on the website Active.com.

Madden updated the group that representatives from Fort Bragg are expected to be present. and request has been made for the Air Force band to be present and sing and perform the national anthem.

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