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Thoughts While ShavingIt’s Election Day in Bladen County and across the state. The dates were moved from the first Tuesday in May to March 15 so North Carolina could be more involved in the race for President.

Polls are open at 17 precincts around the county until 7:30 p.m. today. BladenOnline will link to the NC Board of Elections website to provide up-to-date results after the polls close. Usually takes an hour or so to begin posting results, sometimes longer and final figures take much longer.

Numerous races are contested locally and state-wide, and there are opportunities for you to support or defeat efforts to pass a couple of referendums, at least one locally and another state-wide.

Vote your conscience, but vote. It’s a privilege and I consider it an obligation.

I no longer discuss my vote, nobody’s business….and don’t need those ‘camped out’ around the voting site to provide me any info. I know who I will vote for or against, when I leave home.

Sorry someone has defaced some political signs around White Lake. Those signs are personal property and regardless of your thoughts, pro or con, it is a right to post the signs by whoever purchased and posted them. Wish someone would be charged and convicted. This is America.

I wish all those who have all the answers would file for public office. No picture like the one voters ‘takes’.

I remember when I ran for political office (successfully) many years ago. I posted my signs, handed out cards, made a few comments around the county and discovered that everyone did not agree with me…Thought I had all the answers….some who never placed their name on a ballot do not understand. It’s a learning experience…….No guts no glory.

You know that tingly little feeling you get when you like someone? That’s your common sense leaving your body.

There’s no trick to being a humorist when you have the whole government working for you. Will Rogers

Although he is regularly asked to do so, God does not take sides in American politics. George Mitchell

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