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SRMCOver the next few weeks, Southeastern Regional Medical Center (SRMC) will begin implementing a new electronic visitor management system. This new system will require that visitors either be photographed upon arrival or their photograph may be obtained using a state-issued photo identification card such as a driver’s license. While photo IDs will not be required during the first phase of implementation, they will become a requirement in the near future.

“This new system will help to expedite visitor check in and offer an array of security features for our patients, guests and the organization,” said Alisia Oxendine, director of guest services for Southeastern Health (SeHealth).

A printed, self-adhesive badge will allow access to a specific area for up to 24 hours before the badge self expires. The system also checks internal and external watch lists to deny entry to any unwarranted visitors.

According to SeHealth Safety and Security Manager Jerry Ratajczak, visitors will be issued the new badge at each of the three public entrances: bed tower information desk, registration desk and the emergency department host/hostess desk.

“Visitors who are discovered on our campus without a valid visitor badge will be escorted to one of the distribution desks so that they may properly sign into the system,” added Ratajcak.

This is a joint project of SeHealth’s Guest Services and the Safety and Security department.

“We are excited about the heightened level of safety that this program, which is already in place at many our neighboring health care facilities, will provide for our guests,” added Oxendine.

SRMC, the hub and main campus of SeHealth, is located at 300 W. 27th Street in Lumberton. The medical center is a Magnet facility and is licensed for 452 beds. To learn more about the new visitor ID system, call 910-735-8110.

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