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A reminder of the upcoming Bladen We Care fund-raisers.  The first is a Gala set for The Venue at White Lake on Friday, April 8.  Tickets are on sale for $100 for a couple, includes food, music, a reverse raffle, lots of fun at the lake.  I have tickets, as do other members of the Board of Directors and other locations.  The second fund-raiser is the annual golf tournament at The Vineyard at White Lake.  Call 910-874-4001 for details.  Includes a round of golf, a delicious meal and much more.  Another fun event for a worthy cause.  Proceeds are used to assist Bladen County residents falling through the cracks of our healthcare system.


Over the years, my mind goes back to 14 years as a Little League coach and occasionally there are events or an opportunity to meet a former player, and sometimes the news is not good.  A former Little League player, Stuart Carson died recently.  Stuart was 63, an engineer who apparently suffered from cancer.  I remember him as a quiet, happy, hard worker, and if memory is correct, a first baseman on a good team.  Condolences to his family.  He had lived in Efland, NC for years.


Yesterday was not a good day in our world.  How can anyone be so cruel?


Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump continue to move closer to the nomination of the two largest political parties after primaries in several western states.  As of today, Trump needs 1237 delegates and has 741.  Cruz has 461 and Kasich 145.


Clinton has over 1700.  She needs 2383.  Sanders has 930.


Cruz, Sanders, Trump and Clinton were winners yesterday.


I hear all the complaints about presidents.  For 8 years it was Bush, the past 7 years it has been Obama.  I am reminded of a quote by LBJ.  He said if he was walking across the Potomac River the headlines would be, ‘President Johnson cannot swim’.  I paraphrased his comment.


In the good ‘ole USA, we can condemn ’til our hearts content, but few can call themselves President or be a former Prez.  If interested, the next opportunity for you and me is 4 years away and I do not expect to be up to the task.  So, go for it.  I know many who think they can to do the job, but not sure they can be elected and that is probably good for all.


One-Liners for Tough Times:


This too will pass.


God will provide.


Make the most of each day.


Be good to yourself.


Life is what we make it.


Even a perfect egg must break for new life to begin.


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