Thoughts While Shaving
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We are in the middle of winter with lots of evidence and more on the way…

Bladen County schools will open 2 hours later than normal today for students, teachers and staff.
Bladen Community College is operating on a similar schedule for students, teachers and staff.  Classes begin at 10 a.m.
The weather has over shadowed the revaluation news….If you plan to challenge your new reval numbers, need to follow instructions on your notice…
Interesting turn of events for Bladen County Deputy Sheriff Hakeem Brown.  We featured him earlier and later learned he has received a promotion….sounds like he deserves it…Sheriff Jim McVicker is still building his staff….moving folks around in his effort to get all in the best position so they can contribute the most in his new regime….sometimes takes a while and Brown is apparently ready for a new challenge….congratulations....
The re-make of our web site is still underway… hope you are adjusting and enjoying… A work in progress….One of the improvements is we archive everything now….that is a huge improvement.
Wind chill factors over the next 48 to 72 hours will test every fiber in our body, if you must be outside ….Very, Very Cold….hopefully no precipitation…Plan accordingly..
The trees and utility lines will sparkle today as the sun shines bright…Hope the sun causes less sparkle…
Bet the utility folks agree….Make it go away and hopefully the limbs and trees will stand tall and not come tumbling down…..on the utility lines…
Hope you are enjoying our winter pics…and thanks to all who contributed….and continue to send them…
Don’t you hate it when Wikipedia copies your homework?
If smoking kills, why does it cure salmon?
I wonder how things worked out for the guy who grabbed the bull by the horns.
robert g hester

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