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By: Erin Smith

The Elizabethtown Council met in a noon work session on Monday to discuss a heavy agenda for the evening meeting. As a result of the work session, several items were tabled.

The first item on the agenda for discussion was a zoning text amendment for the removal of Article 5.3.3 II Regulations of Special Use: New Commercial/Business Construction of the Elizabethtown Zoning Code of Ordinances.

Currently, all new construction for business/ commercial construction must be reviewed as a special use even though it is a permitted use under the ordinance.

Councilman Howell Clark has requested that the council look at streamlining  the process to make it more friendly for businesses. He pointed out that the permit application would still have to come before the board if it is for a non-permitted use. If it is a permitted use,  Planning Technician Billie Hall would handle the application process.

In a related matter the board also discussed whether or not to have a complete rewrite of the zoning ordinances performed or to simply update the town’s current ordinances. The board asked Dale Holland of Holland Consultants, who attended the noon work session, what the differences would be between a complete rewrite of the ordinances and an updating of the existing ordinances.

Holland told the board whether they chose to complete rewrite of the ordinances or an update, Holland’s staff would need to begin sometime in April. He pointed out to the board that there have been a lot of changes at both the federal and state level that would need to be incorporated in either a rewrite or an update.

After further discussion, the board voted to table the item.

The board also discussed a rezoning request from Anne Jeanette Purdie and Maceo Purdie for a parcel located at Mercer Mill Brown Marsh Road from Residential Agriculture to Bypass Commercial.  The purpose of the rezoning request is to allow for the construction of billboards. Hall said there have been protest petitions filed regarding the matter.

Public Works Director Pat DeVane was asked his opinion on the matter. He said he understands the need for business and he also understands the need for limitations and he also supports new development.

DeVane pointed out there are several locations already located on the Bypass where billboards are currently allowed. He asked the council to carefully weigh their decision on allowing more billboards to be erected.

“I do know when the bypass was built, we didn’t have any billboards. Billboards serve a purpose and we need some,” said DeVane.

After further discussion, Hall told the board that the parcel in question and a parcel owned by the county are currently zoned RA. She pointed out that if the town rezones the property, it can be used for any of the permitted uses that fall under the Bypass Commercial designation.

Councilman Howell Clark pointed out that the petitioners are listed as the owners of the parcel in question. Hall said that the individuals to whom Clark was referring were not who is being taxed for the property.

After further discussion, the board voted to a table the matter.

The board also heard from Project Engineer Carter Hubbard regarding the downtown wastewater collection rehabilitation and replacement project. He discussed the need for more work near Cypress and King Streets. Hubbard noted that recent camera work in the location revealed an 8-inch clay sewer main that has partially collapsed below a storm drain. He also noted there are also fiber optics in the proposed work area as well. He also noted that there also needs to paving work done at Gill Street and Blanche Street.

The board also considered increasing the loan amount for the downtown wastewater collection rehabilitation and replacement project to reflect the additional proposed work.

The board voted to approve the lawn increase and the recommended repairs.

**The board also reviewed the proposed playground equipment and picnic shelter for Leinwand Park.

** The board discussed hiring Geological Resources for work performed on Well No. 1.  Public Works Director Pat DeVane told the board that it was discovered during  a recent inspection that there was a diesel fuel leak in the generator at Well No. 1. DeVane said that well has been closed and he has been talking with State officials regarding the clean up efforts. He said that Geological Solutions came very highly recommended. DeVane said that the generator was not leaking during the October inspection.

**The board discussed a possible appointment to the Elizabethtown Planning Board and a facade grant application for City Sandwich and Coffee Shop.

** Finance Director Jay Leatherman gave the board the monthly financial report. the collection rate for the AD Valorem Taxes is currently at 95.3 percent collected; the water fund is at 66 percent; and the expenses are at 68 percent. Leatherman told the board that the revenues are exceeding expenses by about $630,000.

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