Spread the love

By: Erin Smith

Dalai Lama quote about compassionThere is a movement afoot of late to spread a little more joy in the world. One group has made it their mission to work night and day (literally) to see that come to fruition.

The group is behind the website randomactsofkindness.org and call themselves Raktivists. They say they are tired of all of the negativity in the news, in politics and tired of seeing all of the pain and suffering surrounding them on a daily basis.

There are plenty of good things that happen in the world, but sadly, it doesn’t always make it to the front pages of the local newspapers or the headlines on the television news channels. To perform a random of act of kindness doesn’t take much effort. If you really want to make a difference, take a moment, think about what you can do for someone, preferably a stranger, that will make their day a little brighter, and then do it! Don’t expect anything in return except the feeling of complete satisfaction knowing you made someone’s life just a little better for a fleeting moment.

Sometimes, folks just need to hear a kind word or to see a smile from someone. Those that suffer from chronic illness could use a visit, or those that are homeless could use a sandwich. The choices and potential acts of kindness are limited only by your imagination. 

We never know the turmoil that may be brewing in someone’s life nor how their interaction with us may impact them. Sometimes, folks need to know that they matter and that someone cares about them.

The Raktivists say their goal is to improve society and the world, one random act of kindness at the time. So, let’s show the Raktivists what Bladen County can do, and let’s get started making the world a better, kinder, gentler place to live. #randomactsofkindness#BladenCountyCan.

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