Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingIn all my years I think I could count on my fingers and toes the number of days when high temps for this area have failed to reach 30 degrees….Today, the weather forecast is for high near 26 and northwest winds around 18 mph with gusts as high as 29 and that makes our chill factor near zero.

And how about snow…We received at our location about 10 p.m. Received a call from son, John, who drives a Food Lion truck…in Williamston around 9 p.m. and his message was, “it is snowing”..OK…Williamston is 130 or more miles away – the way the “crow” flies…no problem….shortly after received a call from a friend in Fayetteville…snowing…I check outside and see no sign of snow…fair skies I thought….and in 10 minutes the snow is coming down…A small band of snow covered the area…
Drive with care this a.m.  Bladen County schools and Bladen Community College opening 2 hours late today….Both calls came late last evening….
Attended a meeting with County Commissioners and others with Congressman David Rouzer yesterday….New Congressman reaching out to every county in the 7th District….You may disagree with his positions on some issues, but he has a pretty good grasp of many issues and tells you when he does not know enough to discuss or have a position…Handled himself well…
Our makeover is going well…If you are having difficulty reaching the site, let us know…With our ongoing re-do and some weather related issues…sometimes strange things happen….Charlotte Smith is wide open….wearing us all out..smile….all positive…
Thanks for the pictures…many on BladenOnline and many on our Facebook page…We are like the snow…we have you covered when it comes to Bladen County news…and it is fun…
With all that is going on….Duke and Carolina teams clashed in Durham for a another “Blue” classic…a Blue Devil overtime win…All after 10 p.m. I missed…must have been exciting…
Wealth buys leisure, but not wisdom.
Walk the words you talk and talk the words you walk.
We could accomplish a lot more if we’d get rid of ifs, and ands, and get off our butts.
I have gotten to the age where I need my false teeth and hearing aid before I can ask where I left my glasses.
robert g hester

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