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This Day In History
1738 – Bottle opener invented.
1817 – 1st American school for the deaf opens (Hartford, Conn)
1850 – San Francisco incorporated.
1861 – Federal army (75,000 volunteers) mobilized by US President Lincoln (US Civil War)
1878 – Harley Procter introduces Ivory Soap.
1892 – General Electric Company, forms & is incorporated in NY.
1900 – An early 50 mile race is won by an electric car in over 2 hours.
1922 – Banting, Macleod & Best discover insulin.
1924 – Rand McNally publishes its first road atlas.
1947 – Jackie Robinson becomes 1st African-American to play in US major league baseball (Dodgers)
1952 – Franklin National Bank issues 1st bank credit card.
1955 – Ray Kroc opens first McDonald’s Inc. fast food restaurant in Des Plaines, Illinois.
1962 – US national debt above $300,000,000,000.
1972 – Barbara Striesand, James Taylor, Carole King & Quincy Jones perform at a benefit for George McGovern for President.
1975 – 1st appearance of San Diego Chicken.
1981 – Janet Cooke says her Pulitzer award winning story about an 8-year-old heroin addict is a lie, Washington Post relinquishes Pulitzer Prize on fabricated story.
1989 – Then largest lottery in North America ($69M) drawn in Illinois.
2002 – 106th Boston Marathon: Rodgers Rop of Kenya 1st man in 2:09:02 and Margaret Okayo of Kenya 1st woman in 2:20:43.
2011 – “Black Friday” for online poker in the US: indictment United States vs Scheinberg shuts down sites, accusing companies of fraud and money laundering.
2012 – US Secret Service inappropriate conduct scandal begins with at least 11 people implicated.

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