Bladen County 4 H Club
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Bladen County 4-H has several events coming up. Your support is greatly appreciated.
1) BAKE SALE!!!! We will be having a 4-H Bake Sale on Saturday, April 23, 2016 from 10 am to 2 pm (or until we sell out) in front of the Tractor Supply Store in Elizabethtown. We need workers and donated baked goods. Items can be brought to the sale on the morning of the event OR can be dropped off at our office anytime this week! Please contact Mrs. Stacie soon to let her know that you can work and what time you may be available to help out at the booth.

SHARE this event on Facebook, email, or even post this flyer!!!! https://bladen.ces.ncsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Tractor-Supply-Bake-Sale-Flyer.pdf?fwd=no

2) Tractor Supply Clover Sale – This week when you shop at Tractor Supply of Elizabethtown, Please add $1 to your purchase as a donation to 4-H. This is a national charity event sponsored through the corporate stores across the country. Our county benefits from all donations made to the store in Elizabethtown, NC!!!  You can stop by the store any time this week to help the store staff promote and sell clovers!!! A table is set up at the front of the store to promote 4-H. PLEASE let Mrs. Stacie know if you work this sale so that we can get credit for participation!!!

The clover sale ends Sunday, April 24. PLEASE SHARE with your family and friends!!!

3)  APRIL 22 is deadline!!!  Apply for a scholarship to attend NC Citizenship Focus and represent Bladen County 4-H as one of our two county delegates. This conference is held in Raleigh at the Sheraton on June 13-15,2016. It is for current members of 4-H ages 14-18. We hopefully have secured scholarship funds to help support the $200 fee per youth to attend this annual event, so it should be available at no cost to the chosen youth. Individuals will be expected to dress professionally. They will have the opportunity to meet and speak with government officials and learn how they can have a voice in the world around them. Apply by APRIL 22 with this application or request an application from the 4-H Office

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